Mindfulness can boost adults’ physical and emotional well-being—and a growing number of studies proves that children can reap similar benefits.
The documented upsides of mindfulness are pretty amazing. Research has established that mindfulness can help people all ages, regardless of ability, with:
- Sleep
- Relaxation and stress reduction
- Focus and attention
- Transitioning from one activity to another
- Feelings of well being
- Empathy
- Self-control
- Getting energized
Many of us associate mindfulness practice with sitting still and (attempting to) clear the mind. But “mindfulness” simply refers to paying keen attention to your senses and surroundings. For this reason, mindfulness activities can take many forms.
What does mindfulness look like for kids? You can see for yourself in the short videos below, taken from our bestselling Mindful Kids activity deck, written by children’s mindfulness expert Whitney Stewart.
1. Squeeze and Release
Here’s a classic mindfulness exercise that helps with sleep. In this body scan activity, children squeeze and release muscles while envisioning a warming light traveling through their bodies. Super relaxing!!
2. Mind Castle
This is a unique mindfulness activity that extends children’s attention span. Kids can develop their powers of concentration as they build an imaginary castle, room by room.
3. Finger Fiddle
Want to help kids find focus? Try this finger tapping exercise before sitting down for a school assignment. The brain is connected to the muscles in our fingers—so when we exercise our fingers, we prepare the brain to focus!
4. Mind Bubbles
Provide children with a concrete way to let go of their worries. This visualization exercise helps children manage anxiety as they blow their worries away.
5. Animal Antics
Prepare to transition from one activity to another. This pretend play movement exercise will help kids regulate their energy level! Try it between any activities that require a change of pace.
Want more FREE mindfulness activities for kids?
Download our printable Mindfulness Activities Pack:
• Folding Flower: Help children grow peace in their hearts with this simple relaxation activity.
• Joyful Jellyfish: Let fears float away with a mindfulness activity that engages the imagination.
• Cooking Up Connections: Children will feel a sense of self-acceptance and connection with the world as they become mindful of where their food comes from.