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Monthly Archives: May 2022

  1. Preventing summer learning loss is easier than you think

    You’ve probably heard that summer reading is important, but you might be surprised to learn just how much of an impact it has.

    Studies tell us that school-age children lose an average of one month of school learning over the summer, with some children losing up to three months of school learning. Why? The simple answer: they don’t read enough.

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  2. Sustainability Activity for Kids: Make a Rwandan “Plastics Penalty Pot”

    The activity below is taken from Global Kids, written by Homa Savet Tavanagar and illustrated by Sophie Fatus.

    Plastic waste can impact life on land, in the air and in oceans, lakes, rivers and streams.

    Rwanda, known as the Land of a Thousand Hills, is serious about preventing plastic pollution. It was the first country in the world to ban all single-use plastic bags. People who break the rules there must pay a fine.

    In this activity, children can talk with their families or classmates and agree on some new plastic rules, like taking reusable bags when shopping, packing lunches in reusable containers and/or refusing plastic straws when offered (if possible). Whenever someone breaks one of the plastic rules, they place a small fine in the Plastics Penalty Pot.

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  3. How to help kid activists write letters to their government representatives

    Below is a guest post by Stacy Clark, environmental geologist, educator, climate journalist and Barefoot author of Planet Power. She has helped many kids write letters to their government officials. Here are her tips!

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