Vanessa Knapic Baird, Community Bookseller

Hello and Welcome to Imagine and Play Barefoot Way! After many years of working in the Early Childhood Education Field, I can be proud to say I have chosen to become a Barefoot Book Ambassador to continue supporting the developmental growth and education of Children and their Families.
These books became part of my life when I was looking for a unique book that I could use to share with my child. When I found, One Moose Twenty Mice, I realized what a wonderful publishing company I had just discoveredt, so began the Love of Barefoot Books!
Through my experience, I know that these books can be used in a variety of ways. When you read a page of any board book for ages 0-5 you can see details in the pictures that can enhance the story line. The stories are written with easy to read sentences usually with catchy rhyming words. There are also many learning concepts hidden in the pages of those books just waiting to be discovered. Really, what you are getting is a well rounded piece of literature combined with beautiful artwork that allows the reader to use their imagination. These books are truly unique non-commercial books that will last a lifetime!
This is a rewarding business for me and I love it! Barefoot Books are Fun! I have always found that when someone is introduced to these books they immediately say “wow” or “I love the colors!” or “That is a really good story”.
When I joined the Barefoot Book Community, I decided to commit myself to the Core Values: Imagine, Explore, Create, Connect and Give Back, with this decision I also pursued my life long dream to operate my own Childcare Centre and fill it with these wonderful books! SpringRoots Early Learning and Child Care Centre was born May 19th 20016. It will be a tradition here at Spring Roots that every child receives a Barefoot Book for their birthday each year they are enrolled in our centre! I am part of the East Coast Division of Canadian Barefoot Book Ambassadors.
If becoming an Ambassador for Barefoot Books appeals to you,
I will do my best to provide you with information and support to help you along your way.
You can click JOIN MY TEAM and become and Ambassador today.
'Early Literacy starts in a book, Imagination has no limit and Creativity expresses Individualism.'Vanessa K. Baird