Karen Taylor, Community Bookseller

I became a Barefoot Books Ambassador back in 2010 to earn extra money so my husband could quit his second job. Little did I know how much it would become a part of my life. I love to read and one of my favorite memories growing up was our weekly library visits. Sharing beautiful multi-cultural, inclusive books seemed like a natural fit.
Back in 2004, I was invited to my friend’s home to learn about a health and wellness company. I was really impressed with the presentation but I was a skeptic when it came to direct sales. However, the desire to use the products myself, was enough for me to sign on the dotted line. I had no experience in direct sales. I had no experience with recruiting. I fell in love with using safe products and assumed everyone I knew would too. Guess what…they didn’t. I always felt I had to “convince” my friends and family that they needed to try the products. I knew money could be made in direct sales (I saw plenty of examples), but I guess I just wasn’t passionate enough about the products. Enter Barefoot Books.
When I signed up to become a Barefoot Books Ambassador, I had never even seen one of their books in person. I never attended a Barefoot Books party. I just knew promoting literacy was something I could stand behind and be proud about. I put my fear about selling aside and never looked back. Today, I have a large team of ambassadors from all over the United States. I’ve done all kinds of events. We have a very active team Facebook group that is very supportive. I would love to invite you to contact me about learning more about Barefoot Books, the business opportunity, and seeing if joining my team would be a good fit for you.