Joanie Bame, Community Bookseller

Joanie Bame

Sales Leader
Community Bookseller Since 02-15-2023
Joanie's Barefoot Story
Growing up I always had a book in my hand, just like in this childhood photo with a copy of “Goodnight Moon”. Still today, expanding my personal library, getting lost in the pages, discussing my treasured editions, and adding to my never-ending TBR list puts a sparkle in my eyes.
As I enter my second year as a Community Bookseller, I am continuing to share my life-long passion to inspire young people, foster early literacy, and encourage family reading. I love the response when people are introduced to Barefoot Books. Offering story time for children at events is a special activity and I once had a little girl read “Bear About Town” in the Learn with Bear Series to me using her imagination. Seeing a child excitedly select a book and clutch it to their chest brings me immense joy. These interactions demonstrate the desire that kids have for reading and learning.
Reach out to me for book recommendations or to schedule a bookfair. Together we can “open children’s hearts, minds, and worlds”!