Brittany Mackey, Community Bookseller

I have always loved reading in order to explore other places and worlds through books. I still love reading and "seeing" the world through the eyes and words of authors and illustrators. I am raising three amazing daughters who love to explore, learn and play---what better way to do those things than through these amazing books that present so many different aspects of the world and of different cultures? Through books and thoughtful discussions, we can help children feel confident in their unique identities, identify and express their feelings, and develop empathy towards others. Barefoot Books are stories that do just that!
My children love these books which is why I sell them. I am able to offer them the opportunity to read, explore and own them, while also contributing to my family's income. I am a former teacher and school librarian. I enjoy selling the books, sharing them with people I encounter and also offering book fairs to schools and community centers.
Let me know how I can help you choose the perfect book for the child in your life. Maybe you want to sell these books, too and want to join my team. Feel free to contact me with questions.