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Kathryn McNorton, Community Bookseller

Kathryn McNorton
Sales Leader
Community Bookseller Since 07-25-2017
Kathryn's Barefoot Story

I discovered Barefoot Books when I started working at a new school as a Montessori Toddler Teacher. The school already had so many books published by Barefoot Books and the children would request them by name. The toddlers LOVED all the sing-alongs and would ask for them repeatedly. As I searched through the various classroom libraries, I discovered beautifully illustrated and written books that spoke to the emotional needs of my students, reflected their families culturally, and aligned with the Montessori curriculum. I learned of the opportunity to sell these books some time after and I jumped at it. That was 2014 and I've been "living Barefoot" ever since! I continue to use them in my current classroom as an Early Childhood Montessori teacher and I support other teachers and schools by providing book fairs, trainings, and exhibiting at educational conferences.

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