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Lisa Pozin, Community Bookseller

Lisa Pozin
Sales Leader
Community Bookseller Since 09-29-2012
VANCOUVER, British Columbia
Lisa's Barefoot Story
I started Giving Gifts - www.givinggifts.ca - in 2010. Giving Gifts carries eco friendly, fair trade and fun gifts for babies, kids, adults and pets. In 2012, I started creating giftsets at Giving Gifts incorporating Barefoot Books. I love the books. I think they are some of the most beautiful and imaginative books we own. The Yoga Cards are used almost daily at our house and the books with CDs and rhyming board books have been very popular with my kids. In September 2012, I decided to join the Barefoot Books team and sell the complete range of Barefoot Books to my customers (new and old.) 
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